Discuss a technology purchase (Please use the purchase of a fitness tracker)

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Discuss a technology purchase (Please use the purchase of a fitness tracker) This purchase is for home use
Explain your buying decision process by addressing all these questions in your response.
• Was this buying situation a B2B or B2C? Why? What are the characteristics of your situation that fit the B2B or B2C context?
• How would marketers categorize this purchase in terms of consumer offerings (e.g., type)?
• Was this a low-involvement or high-involvement purchase decision? Why?
• Did you engage in limited problem solving or extended problem solving? Explain.
• If this was a B2B buying situation,
o How did your decision process compare with The business buying decision process (n.d.) referenced below?
o How did this buying decision process differ from the Classic consumer’s purchasing decision process (See, Figure 3.9 in Consumer behavior, 2012)?
• If this was a B2C buying situation,
o How does your decision process compare with two well-known decision models, the Classic consumer’s purchasing decision process (See, Figure 3.9 in Consumer behavior, 2012) and The new consumer decision journey (Edleman & Singer, 2015).
o Which model describes your decision process better?
Please use these references only!
Consumer behavior: How people make buying decisions. (2012). Chapter 3. In Principles of Marketing (V. 2.0). Retrieved from
Edelman, D. & Singer, M. (2015, October). The new consumer decision journey. Retrieved from
The business buying decision process. (n.d.) In Boundless Marketing. Retrieved from
Discuss your responses in paragraph format. Support your views with specific references to course materials such as modules and required readings or recommended readings. Please use the provided references only
Format Requirements: ·
Word® document · Double-space responses · Times New Roman font 12pt. ·
Format in narrative paragraph rather than a bullet list ·
Title responses with question titles or numbers ·
Include one reference list at the end of the document; include all references for source material cited in your responses. References must be in APA format.
Response for each question must contain specific references to course materials (e.g., lecture modules, required and recommend readings) to support each question response. Additional resources must be from a reliable source (e.g. the UMGC library). Responses must include in-text source citation for direct quotation or paraphrased source material. Direct quotation from sources must be less than 10% of the exam submission. Do not cite the exam as a source, either in-text or on the reference list. Do not include cover page, introduction, abstract, executive summary, table of contents, or conclusion. Do not include the exam questions within exam submission.


Buying a fitness tracker for personal use is a B2C purchase. B2C refers to business-to-consumer transactions, where businesses sell goods or services to individual customers. This purchase was for personal use and not for any business purposes, hence it fits the B2C context. The purchase of a fitness tracker is classified as a consumer offering, which is a product or service that is aimed at satisfying the needs and wants of individual customers (Kotler et al., 2016).

The buying decision for a fitness tracker is a high-involvement purchase decision. A high-involvement purchase decision is a situation where a customer invests time and effort in researching and evaluating the product before making a purchase (Kotler et al., 2016). The customer is willing to spend more time and effort in making the right decision because the purchase has personal consequences. The purchase of a fitness tracker requires a significant investment, and the customer must evaluate various features to select a product that will best meet their fitness goals.

In my case, I engaged in limited problem-solving because I had prior knowledge of the product and some basic understanding of the features that I needed. Limited problem-solving is a purchase decision that requires some research and evaluation, but not as extensive as in high-involvement purchases (Kotler et al., 2016). I read online reviews, compared the features of different brands and models, and selected a product that met my needs.

In a B2B buying situation, the buying decision process would be more complex than in a B2C purchase. The business buying decision process involves several stages, including problem recognition, information search, supplier search, proposal solicitation, supplier selection, order specification, and performance review (Boundless Marketing, n.d.). The decision process for a B2B purchase is more formal, and the decision-makers must consider various factors such as organizational goals, budget, and the impact of the purchase on the company.

In a B2C buying situation, my decision process for purchasing a fitness tracker aligns with the classic consumer’s purchasing decision process (Kotler et al., 2016). This model involves five stages, including problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase evaluation. However, my buying decision process also aligns with The New Consumer Decision Journey model (Edelman & Singer, 2015), which focuses on the consumer’s journey through a circular decision-making process. The model recognizes that the customer’s decision-making process is influenced by various factors, including personal experiences, social influence, and brand touchpoints.

In conclusion, the purchase of a fitness tracker was a high-involvement B2C purchase. I engaged in limited problem-solving, comparing different products before selecting the one that best fit my needs. The classic consumer’s purchasing decision process and The New Consumer Decision Journey model align with my buying decision process.


Boundless Marketing. (n.d.). The business buying decision process. Retrieved from

Edelman, D., & Singer, M. (2015, October). The new consumer decision journey. Retrieved from

Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., & Piercy, N. (2016). Principles of marketing. Pearson.

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