Maximizing Influence through Social Media: Strategies for Leading a Revolution in Egypt

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Texbook: Forsyth, D. R. (2018). Group dynamics. Cengage Learning.
Consider the information on social impact theory, which argues that influence within any given group depends on the strength of the source (one’s social strength within the group), immediacy (people physically present have more of an impact), and number of sources (how many are influencing toward one position, but keep in mind that conformity pressures don’t increase reliably as number of majority members goes up).
Now, discuss the following scenario and questions:
You are one of a handful of Egyptian college-student leaders, attempting to lead a revolution against the current government, and are hoping to influence many other people to join your cause in the coming days. Your desire is not simply for people to agree with your cause, but to join it and contribute in some way—by coming to the mass protests in the city center; participating in blocking entrances to government buildings and other forms of civil disobedience; or at least contributing money or material support in the form of food, shelter, and medical supplies for individuals who are camping out, protesting, and being attacked by government forces in the city center.
1. To what extent could you use social media to achieve your goal of influencing others to join your cause?
2. If using social media, how do you maximize your influence among other Egyptians based on the social impact theory (considering strength, immediacy, and number of sources)?
3. Given that you are a college student, should you attempt to influence all Egyptians or only certain groups of Egyptians, and if so, what groups? If you attempt to influence smaller groups, how would you widen your influence from those smaller groups to the larger population?
4. In what ways do you feel that social media would NOT be able to help you achieve your goal, and what alternative means of contact and influence might you use instead?


As a college student leader hoping to lead a revolution in Egypt, social media can be a powerful tool to influence others to join the cause. With a large portion of the population using social media, it provides an opportunity to reach a significant number of people.

To maximize social media’s impact based on social impact theory, several strategies can be employed. Firstly, it’s essential to establish oneself as a credible source of information and someone who has strength within the group. This can be achieved by building a large following and actively engaging with them. By responding to comments, answering questions, and sharing regular updates, people can view you as a trustworthy and committed leader.

In terms of immediacy, social media can be useful as it allows for instant communication and dissemination of information. Posting real-time updates about the revolution, sharing images and videos of protests, and highlighting the government’s injustices can create a sense of urgency and inspire people to take immediate action.

Regarding the number of sources, it’s essential to mobilize and engage a large number of people. The more people that are involved, the more significant the impact can be. It’s essential to build coalitions with other student groups, political organizations, and civil society groups to widen the influence.

Given the nature of the situation, it’s essential to influence as many Egyptians as possible. However, it’s also necessary to focus on specific groups that may have a particular interest in the cause or are more likely to participate in the protests. These groups may include young people, intellectuals, and workers. Once you’ve influenced these smaller groups, it’s essential to widen your influence by encouraging them to spread the message and recruit others.

While social media can be a powerful tool for organizing and mobilizing people, there are also limitations. The government may censor social media, making it difficult to reach a broad audience. Additionally, social media may not be accessible to some individuals, particularly those from low-income communities. Therefore, alternative means of communication and influence may be necessary, such as posters, flyers, and word-of-mouth communication.

In conclusion, as a college student leader hoping to lead a revolution in Egypt, it’s crucial to utilize social media to influence others to join the cause. By building a large following, creating a sense of urgency, and mobilizing a large number of people, you can maximize your influence. However, it’s also essential to focus on specific groups while simultaneously widening your influence to reach a broader audience.

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